Security & Privacy

Your Data Belongs to You

Your Data belongs to You!

TruckIT is committed to providing safe, secure, and trustworthy user platforms. In today’s E-Construction age, protecting your information takes precedence. We carry this responsibility proudly and place data security at the forefront of everything we do.


Our team of in-house developers maintain guarded firewalls that block unauthorized access to system resources and user information. This in addition to TruckIT’s protection and access control policies prohibit any potential system abuse, theft or unauthorized removal of data, misuse of software, improper alteration, and disclosure of information.

Data Anonymization

As one of the most critical components to TruckIT’s privacy commitment, our anonymized data process protects user identities and sensitive company information. To make it happen, we use a data processing technique that excludes or modifies any private transactions or confidential information, resulting in secure data that cannot be associated with any one individual or business. This also ensures other users cannot access your account(s) or analytical data within the software.

YOUR Data on YOUR Terms

When we say, “Your data belongs to you,” we mean it. Easily access your data anytime (after all, it is yours). Download your secure transactional and analytical data whenever you please. We also offer the ability to request a full data export in the circumstance of contract termination.

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